New AD

Friday, 27 April 2018

Jaya & Amitabh Bachchan- Behind a legendary man, there is a succussful woman.

Jaya Bachhan is not only recognised as an actress or politician but also an ideal lady, Just like many Indian housewives she is also at the bottom of a happy family (Bachchan family).
Her cultured and straight forward attitude makes her different from any other celebrity. I didn't notice any type of pretentiousness in her behaviour.
Her filmy career was amazing, all roles played by her were remarkable because this lady performed with simplicity. She galvanized people by doing action in film Zanzeer and Shor and who can forget her sexiest appearance in a traditional dress (Sari) in Film Jawani Diwani?
Heard that When Amitabh Bachchan was struggling and giving flops one by one then Jaya was emerging as a star, After film Anand, Amitabh's work was applauded but he still needed one hit in a lead role. Some people say that at the first sight Jaya became impressed with him and anticipated his upcoming huge success by picking out his ability, apart from all actresses did not want to work with him but due to firm belief in Amitabh's versatility Jaya jumped at this proposal and acted as Mala opposite him in film Zanzeer. One the whole, Jaya proved herself as his lucky charm because this film became miles stone for Amitabh's filmy career.
After this film Amitabh and Jaya tied a knot. In addition to, They both appeared together in a few films Abhiman, Mili, Chupke Chupke, Sholey and Silsiley.
Amitabh was making good by leaps and bound, apart from Jaya started keeping distance from films for fulfilling household responsibilities and nourishing children (Abhishek Bachchan and Shweta Bachchan)
When they both worked together in film Abhiman then this rumour
spread over a wide area in the country that this film was a true story based on their married relationship.
Finally she did resounding come back from a film Hazzar Chaurasi KI Ma (1998), at this time her sublime performance inspired 90s actresses to do challenging roles.
Her chemistry with Amitabh Bachchan was as sizzling as Shahrukh Khan-Kajol in film Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham (2004).
Moreover, they both went through ups and downs in life but due to togetherness they beat off. We usually hear a line 'Behind every successful man, there stands a woman' but at this case we find 'Behind a legendary man, there is a succussful woman.

Moral of the story- On the whole man’s success and prosperity depend upon woman’s happiness & freedom , so use woman as your power not  property because every woman is special and deserves to get respect , it does not matter, she is working   or a home maker, 
Although it is said that   behind a  successful man there stands a woman, But if you try to  be a man behind a successful woman, you will be proven as lagendary man automatically.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

तो colgate चेहरा, होठ खूबसूरत बनाने के साथ अनचाहे बाल भी हटाता है. . .

अरे वाह! Colgate दांतो की  सफाई तो करता ही है साथ मे चेहरे को गोरा कर देता है और  ये अनचाहे बालो को भी  बड़ी आसानी से हटा देता है साथ ही थोड़ा सा toothpaste को tooth brush मे लेकर अपने lips पर apply करके दस मिनट तक हल्का हल्का मसाज देने से lips गुलाबी और चमकदार होजाते है.
मतलब एक toothpaste खरीद लिया जाये तो चेहरे और होंठो के लिये use किये जाने वाले products और waxing का खर्चा बच जायेगा.
ऐसा मै नही कह रही हूं  बल्कि आप तमाम youtube channels पर दिखाये गये videos के द्वारा colgate की खूबियां जान सकते है.
मैने बहुत  सारे यूट्यूब चैनल्स देखे जिनमे  बताया जा रहा है कि colgate  के साथ दो बूंद एलोवीरा जेल और आधा चम्मच शहद मिलाकर चेहरे पर apply करे फिर सूखने तक बना रहने रहने दे, करीब दस मिनट बाद चेहरा धोने से चेहरे मे गजब का गोरापन आता है.
मैने भी सोचा कि इसे एक बार तो टेस्ट करके देखना ही चाहिये और मैने apply किया.
गोरापन तो दूर की बात मेरे चेहरे पर जलन होने लगी.
ये भी बताया गया कि इसे दिन मे दो बार करना है पर एक बार ही इस्तेमाल करने के बाद मैने दोबारा नही छुआ.
बहुत पहले से मैने ये भी सुन रखा था कि
कोलगेट लगाने से पिम्पल चले जाते है
सच कहुं ऐसा करने से मेरा एक भी पिम्पल  सही नही हुआ.
पता नही लोगो को ऐसी गलत जानकारी क्यो दी जारही है?
मैने इन  youtube channels मे ये भी देखा कि
 colgate के साथ Everyuth peel off फेस मास्क मिला कर उस जगह पर apply करे जिस जगह के बाल हटाने है, इसके बाद सूख जाने के 20 मिनट  बाद इसे धीरे धीरे  छुटाने पर  hair remove होजाते है
तो भाई ये करने से भले ही आपके कुछ अनचाहे बाल remove हो भी जाये ( सारे नही जायेंगे इतनी तो गारंटी है).
तो इतना करने से अच्छा है कि आप  waxing ही करवा ले.
सबसे पहले ये जानले कि colgate मे ऐसे केमिकल्स होते है जिनसे कि दांत साफ हो सक,
 इन U tube channels पर आपको गोरा करने या आपके अनचाहे बाल हटाने का वाहियात तरीका (जिसमे एलोवीरा और शहद को मिलवा कर घरेलु तरीके की तरह पेश किया जा रहा है) बताया जारहा है
फिर भी ये अगर आप इनमे से कोई तरीका अपनाना भी चाहते है  तो hair removal  वाला अपना कर देख सकते है वह भी चेहरे व होंठो के साथ कोई भी रिस्क न ले.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018


When something happens that we really don't like then negative thoughts come into our mind, it is good if we control our feeling, otherwise, we lose the power to understand the difference between right and wrong, this strong feeling related annoyance makes us aggressive and we can do something wrong at this case, this is called as anger. Although it is nature of human beings but to be out of temper extensively is one of the symptoms of mental illness and not good for health. There are three levels of anger, first stage is natural that is called as annoyance. This type of anger can be controlled easily. According to me this can be essential sometimes if there is question of dignity, right etc or someone tries to cash in on your innocence and smiley face. For example 'a teacher reprimanded some funky students who were scoffing at a handicapped student.'
second stage is called as wrath, it makes you aggressive but you can still control if you think positive or someone consoles you moderately.
third level is worst and dengerous because at this stage you are controlled by anger completely, called as rage. I would like to tell you a story related to the levels of anger. There was a police man. One day he found expensive bottle of wine, his 16 year old daughter stole this bottle because she knew that drinking is injurious to health and did not want to let him drink. Knowing it, he became annoyed and shouted at her but girl did not obey him, man consoled himself by thinking about their loving relationship. This was first level of anger.
In next evening he asked for bottle once again but this girl refused, he became aggressive and tried to slap her but when girl began to cry, seeing this, his voice of heart prevented him from doing delinquency. Finally this man could control his aggression. That was second level. In 3rd evening when this girl did not give him bottle back, father looked daggers at his daughter and tried to seizure it at the gunpoint. She knew that father loved her and was just trying to terrify that is why she was sure about that he could not kill his own daughter, so she screamed
 "kill me, but I'll not give it to you"
 hearing this, man was anable to listen his voice of heart because he had lost his head. Unfortunately girl was shot dead by him. Seeing the dead body of his daughter , hapless man atoned for his sin but it got too late. When police arrested him then culprit admitted that due to rage he did such a crime. On the whole at second level of anger person should be alert because last level of  anger kills,
 wrath causes rage and enraged person can hurt not only another people but also oneself.

Thursday, 5 April 2018

EECO'S Aroma Pearl FACIAL SCRUB: सच! ये तुरन्त गोरा करती है

Dear Friends, 

एक दिन एक Sales girl कुछ beauty products बेच रही थी, काफी न नकुर करने के बाद मैने एक Product खरीदा जिसका नाम था  EECO's Aroma Pearl facial scrub जिस तरह से वो sales girl  इस scrubbing  cream (200 g मात्रा 255 rs.) की खूबियां बता रही थी तो मुझे उसकी बातो मे यकीन नही हो रहा था इसलिये मैने उसकी हालत पे तरस खाकर लिया था.
लेकिन मैने इस scrub को हाथो मे लेकर
दो बूंद पानी के साथ मिलाकर चेहरे पर clockwise direction मे round & round करीब दस मिनट तक मसाज की  और फिर अच्छी तरह से चेहरे को धोने के बाद  मेरी
चेहरे कि स्किन  glowing और गोरी दिख रही थी मेरी पड़ोसन ने भी भी ये प्रोडक्ट लिया था था और उसका चेहरा भी पहले की अपेक्षा ज्यादा गोरा नजर आ रहा था
फिर जब मैने इस Brand के बारे मे पता किया तो  मुझे पता चला कि eeco's Aroma pearl की पूरी facial Kit आती है जिसका Price 350 रुपये है.
ये सभी प्रकार की स्किन लिये है.
मै सच कहु मैने सिर्फ scrub cream Use की है तो जिसका Use करने के बाद  मुझे Make Up भी Use करने की जरुरत नही पड़ रही थी.
इसमे लिखा हुआ है कि अच्छे परिणाम के लिये दिन मे दो बार इसका इस्तेमाल कर सकते है पर चूंकि मै Natural चीजो पर विश्वास करती हूं तो मैने इसका इस्तेमाल 3 दिन के gap मे किया.
ये Facial scrub के द्वारा I.Q.S. Cosmetic (India) Manufacture की गई तो आप समझ सकते है कि ये पूरी तरह से Cosmetic है और scrubbing  Cream चेहरे की अच्छी तरह सफाई करके  तुरन्त गोरा करने की Gaurantee तो देती है पर इससे Naturality की उम्मीद न रखे.
Naturality से याद आया कि अगर एक चम्मच चावल के आटे को दो चम्मच दूध के साथ मिला कर चेहरे पर Scubbing मसाज देने पर वही महसूस हुआ जो इसे apply करने पर हुअा. 
वैसे तो आजकल गोरा बनाने वाले Products पर सवाल उठा कर  Marketing की जारही है पर एक सच ये भी है कि हमारी सबकी  चेहरे की त्वचा को कुछ न कुछ ऐसा suit करता है जिससे कि हमारी त्वचा एक 1-2 टोन  तक गोरी नजर आती है जोकि हमारा अपना ही complexion होता है पर अच्छी care न होने पर यही चेहरा एक दो टोन तक dark दिखने लगता है.

Himalaya Purifying Neem Face Wash वाकई सबसे पहले? जानिये सच !

बात पिम्पल की आती है तो विज्ञापन देख कर सबसे पहले  Himalaya Herbal Purifying Neem Face Wash ही खरीद कर लाते हैं आखिरकार विज्ञापन मे पि...