Who in India dosen't know the name of film star Kareena Kapoor but in 90s she was known as film star Karishma Kapoor's younger sister. Karishma Kapoor is also reknowed entity of bollywood but you know despite being dearest grand daughter of late Raj Kapoor Karishma had to struggle for entering bollywood because Grand Pa and Dad Randheer Kapoor were not allowing But her Mom Babita (film star of her time) supported her daughter and When Karishma was only 16 then her Parents became separeted. Moreover Karishma debuted from a film name Prem Quidi but film became flop after that she walked on a fine line. In 90s this diva proved herself as dancing queen of tinsel town. In 1998 Karishma was on a roll after getting film fare award as a best actress (Film Raja Hindustani) Then this news was spread that Karishma and Abhishek Bachchan (upcoming actor of that time) got engaged. Karishma and Kapoor family were happy because Karishma's fiance Abhishek Bachchan and Sister Kareena debuted from a film named Refugee. Everything was going to be settled down but after a few years whole India got gloomy by hearing this shocking news Karishma- Abhishek engagement had been estranged. We heard many gossips regarding reason behind this shocking break up but according to a news report Mom Babita became hindrance between Abhishek & Karishma's relationship. Actually Babita was star of her time but her husband Randheer Kapoor could not become as successful as his father Raj Kapoor was in film industry and this fact affected their married life. As Abhishek was giving flop one by one, Babita did not want to let history be repeated that is why
Babita insisted Karishma to choose a successful man. Moreover Karishma married to his friend and successful businessman Sanjay Kapoor in 2002 and Abhishek tied a knot with super star Aishvarya Rai in 2005.
Abhishek is not as successful as Aishvarya but this fact never affected their married life apart from Karishma has been divorced , it means good understanding makes your relationship stronger , not money or success and another moral of the story, don't try to estimate your children's future by analysing your own past because time and thoughts change contemporarily.
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